I venerate you with all my heart, O most holy Virgin, as the Spouse of the Holy Spirit; and I consecrate to thee my heart with all its affections: obtain for me of the Holy Trinity the graces necessary for salvation.
O sacred Virgin! Spouse of the Holy Spirit, whose pure soul was the chosen tabernacle of that heavenly Spirit, and who above all creatures was plentifully enriched with His choicest gifts and graces, intercede for me, and by your powerful prayers prepare me for the happiness I so sincerely desire.
O Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit, your holiness and obedience changed the course of history through the redemptive power of your Son. You give us the example of discipleship and what it means to witness to the Way, the Truth and the Life—Jesus.
Mother, help me; spouse of the Holy Spirit, obtain for me the great gift of the Holy Spirit. Let me be filled with the Holy Spirit; let me be inflamed with love; let me be filled to overflowing with the sweet Spirit of God.
Mother, spouse of the Holy Spirit, through whom we receive the Holy Spirit, pray for us, that we may live in light in this world, and come hereafter to the eternal light of heaven.
О Магу! You are that most happy and most highly-lauded Spouse in the Canticles, whom the Heavenly Bridegroom introduced into His wine cellar, you are replenished with the wine of charity, but more especially with the spirit of prophecy, with which you were enlightened above all the other saints, not only to foresee future events, but to attain to the knowledge and intimate acquaintance of the most sublime mysteries. Ah! I earnestly supplicate you, obtain for me the light of understanding, that I may fully comprehend the malice and heinousness of sin, and the dangerous condition of the sinner, and that, by this knowledge, I may attain to an amendment of life. O Mary, Queen of the prophets, pray for us!
Since you are the Spouse of the Holy Spirit, the Dispenser of His treasures, and his sweet Stewardess; since you have been enriched beyond all other creatures with his heavenly gifts, obtain for us, as you obtained it for the Apostles, His coming into our hearts; and for this end obtain for us the grace to imitate, so far as in us lies, the examples of your humility, your purity, and your charity.
Immaculate Spouse of the Holy Spirit, House of Gold, obtain for me the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Since prayer is the key to God's Heart and draws down upon us every good and perfect gift, teach me to pray frequently for these gifts. Keep me humble and pure of heart so as to make myself worthy of receiving them.
Obtain for me also, O blessed Virgin, that I may so ravish the heart of your Spouse that He may inflame my heart with Divine love, and render it the scene of His merciful operations.
Heavenly Father, who hast Mary for Thy daughter, Have mercy on us.
Eternal Son, who hast Mary for Thy mother, Have mercy on us.
Holy Spirit, who hast Mary for Thy spouse, Have mercy on us.
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