27 February 2008

Vocations on the Rise

Last year saw a 62% jump in inquiries into Catholic religious life and a 30% increase in number of people in first stages of formation according to Vision Vocation Network.

"The majority of those who are considering religious life are under 30 and quite serious about choosing religious life—about one in five plan on entering a religious community in the next year, while another 64% are seriously considering it.”

Not only is there an increase in young people entering the religious life, "vocation directors—both men and women—commented on an increased interest among inquirers in wearing a habit or traditional religious garb."

Check out the results of the survey HERE

In related news, here's a story from the Boston Globe called The Unexpected Monks about evangelicals turning to monasticism. Sure, it's their own version of it based on their "discovery" of Catholic and Orthodox spirituality, but it is interesting to note.

Oblates of the last Martyrdom is a Catholic apostolate with many similarities to the so-called "new monastics" of evangelicalism.

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