04 February 2009

Found at Peace

Are you zealous to be found by Christ to be without spot or blemish and at peace? St. Peter said that as we wait for the return of Christ and the final judgement of the world this should be our attitude (2 Peter 3).

Do you endure trials as "discipline" from the Lord? Strive for peace and holiness as the writer of Hebrews directs (12:11-15).

Peace. That word has been warped and twisted and hits our ears with so much baggage. But it is what we must strive for. Peace with others, peace with God, and peace with ourselves.

In both of these passages peace is joined to holiness. It takes effort to be holy, but the fruit of holiness is peace. In Monday's feast of the Presentation we heard the elder Symeon declare, "Lord, now let Your servant depart in peace... for my eyes have seen Your salvation..."

If Christ came riding on the clouds in judgement today, would you be at peace? Would you stand and cheer or hide from His wrath?

Even in the middle of the world's turmoil we can be peacemakers. Surrounded by sickness we can be healers. Amid disaster we can bring relief. But the key is active holiness, without which no one will see the Lord.

"Last Judgement" by Kandinsky

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