20 September 2008

Officially Catholic!

For the last year and a half my heart has been in the Catholic Church. As you've seen throughout my posts, the lastest part of my journey took me from the Eastern Orthodox church into the Roman Catholic Church. Well, today it was made official.
During the Divine Liturgy at Holy Ascension Eastern Catholic parish in my home town of Plymouth, Michigan I made the Profession of the Faith and was received into the Holy Catholic Church.
I almost cried when Fr. Wayne asked "David, do you desire to be united into the Catholic Church?" and I replied, "I desire it with all my heart."
I didn't know when this day would ever come. What a joy to be part of the Universal Church and receive the Body and Bllod of Christ again.
This true faith of the Catholic Church, which I now voluntarily confess and unconditionally hold, I will firmlymaintain and confess whole and in its fullness and integrity, until my last breath, God being my helper. And I will teach it and proclaim it, so far as in me is possible and will strive to fulfill its obligations cheerfully and with joy, preserving my heart in purity and virtue. And in confirmation of this, my true and sincere profession of faith, I now kiss the word and cross of my savior. Amen. (From the "Solemn Reception into the Church")

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