In order to be able to live with Christ after death, we must live with him on earth. This means that we have to fill ourselves with his teachings, implement them and apply them in our daily life throughout all its stages. The Christian cannot be Christian in the Church and non-Christian at work, allowing to himself what is refused by right, justice and the conscience enlightened by faith.
The Christian who is willing to live his Christian life as wanted by Christ, cannot permit for himself the forbidden , violate the sacred and commit reprehensible actions as if he had two ways of action : one with God and the other with people. There must be a harmony between the two ways of living. Moreover, he has to lead one life with his ownself , with people and with God . Being true to oneself is a sine-qua-non condition, for man, to live in an atmosphere of truth with people. He who is not true with his ownself , how can he be true with people ?
The Catechism of the Catholic Church says : “the Christian must live in truth as God does”. The total truth of God was revealed in Jesus Christ. He is full of the grace and truth (Jn. 12:8). He who believes in him does not stay in darkness. The disciple of Christ keeps his word so that he knows the truth which sets him free and sanctifies (Jn. 8:31-32).
Following Jesus means that the faithful lives out of the spirit of truth (Jn. 14:17) sent by the Father in his name (Jn 14:26) and who leads to all truth (Jn.16:13). Jesus taught his disciples the love of an unconditional truth. “Let your “Yes” mean “Yes”, and your “No” mean “No” (Mt. 5:37).
On the occasion of Easter, we ask God for many returns full of blessing, good, tranquility and peace of mind.
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