~ John Paul the Great, Dives in Misericordia
Hoec ilia solemnis dies (hymn for Evensong)
This is the day, the solemn day,
Which God appointed to convey
Such news as made our sorrows cease,
Glad news of mercy and of peace.
Our parents' guilt, our parents' fall,
To certain death consigned us all:
From certain death mankind to save,
His only Son Jehovah gave.
Yes! He who was th' Eternal's Son,
E'er time had yet its course begun,
Our life of pain and weakness bore,
Nor did the Virgin's womb abhor.
He took on him our mortal state,
That he might bear the sinner's fate,
That so his blood, in ransom given,
Might take away the wrath of heaven.
Yes! He, the infinite great God,
In human flesh awhile abode:
That we might high in glory dwell,
He came as our Immanuel.
Redeemer of the world, to thee
All praise and glory rendered be:
And to the Father, King of heaven,
And Holy Ghost, all praise be given.
~Translated by John Chandler,
1837 Hymns of the Primitive Church
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