O GOD, unbegotten Father, only-begotten Son, Holy Spirit and Comforter, holy and undivided Trinity, with our whole heart and lips we confess Thee, we praise Thee, and we bless Thee. To Thee be glory forever.
The Holy Father's Prayer Intentions for this month are:
Church Pastors -- That the Church's pastors may be ever more docile to the action of the Holy Spirit as they teach and serve the people of God.
Peace in Africa -- Guided by the 2nd Special Assembly of the African Synod of Bishops, may the local Church find effective ways to promote reconciliation, justice, and peace.

The Presentation of the Lord in the Temple (Feb 2)
St. Agatha (Feb. 5)
St. Scholastica (Feb 10)
Our Lady of Lourdes (Feb 11)
Sts. Cyril & Methodius (Feb 14)
St. Leo the Great (Feb 18)
St. Polycarp (Feb 23)
**Lent Begins this month! For Eastern Catholics it starts on Feb 23 while on the Western calendar Ash Wednesday is Feb 25. Keep it a time of prayer, fasting, and alms-giving as we prepare for the glorious feast of Christ's Resurrection.
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