When I walked in about twenty people were reciting the rosary. I found a pew and knealt down with my beads. As each mystery was announced I felt a stronger wave of grace fall over me. Each "Our Father" seemed like a step up from my troubles.
Then the priest announced the sending of the Spirit on Pentecost as the next mystery. A wave of love washed over me--a peace that told me everything would be alright if I remained obedient to His leading.
"Veni Sancte Spiritus" I whispered, basking in His presence.
Another blessing at Holy Ghost Church is that they expose the Eucharist for adoration. Jesus was there entrhoned--Body, Soul, and Divinity--disguised as a round host of bread, waiting for me to spend time with Him.
Next I thanked the Blessed Virgin for her willingness to trust God and become the Eastern Gate through which the Lord came. For being the Ark of the Covenant. For being the Tabernacle that carried Christ through the wilderness. Her womb became more spacious than the heavens. And I thanked her for giving flesh to God, so He could give that flesh to me as spiritual food.
What a blessing to recieve so much just because I chose to spend a little time with God. Look at all He gives us: Himself in the Eucharist, Himself in the Holy Spirit, the Virgin Mary and the Saints as intercessors, and the Church to be a spiritual hospital!
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