He's an older guy who had a hernia fixed a while back and it burst open again. Only this time, he doesn't have any health insurance. He's tough and stubborn, so he won't go into E.R. despite blood and puss. Also, he's afraid to take time off because he'll have no income while recovering.
So, here's what to pray for:
1. That the confusion caused by fear will lift so he will trust in God's care
2. That he will stop being stubborn and go to the hospital
3. That any medical care will be paid for
4. That a source of provision will help him and his wife during recovery
5. If it be God's will, complete healing in Jesus' Name
O God, with Whom it is an easy thing to give life to the dead; restore the sick to their former health, and let none that implore the healing of Your heavenly mercy be in want of the remedies of earthy medicine; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
O Lord, holy father, Almighty and everlasting God, hear us, and preserve Your servant Dennis who You have given life, and whom You have redeemed by the price and the great gift of the Blood of Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen.
I'm going to light an online candle for him right now and ask the Carmelites of Indiana to pray for him.
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